Thursday, August 25, 2011

The New Logo

As Superhuman nears completion, I wanted to share the new logo. It's mighty pretty and heralds some serious gameplay changes we had to endure to make Superhuman run faster and smoother. And my thanks go to our graphic designer, Peter Carioscia for the design elements he did that became a big part of this design.  In the end, we have a better product for you, the player.




pulpcitizen said...

What kind of gaming features will Superhuman have?

Self-build characters?
Pre-gen characters like those shown?
Model count per player/side?

Doctor Mono said...

Superhuman allows you to build your own team of supers from templates- but each template allows a lot of customization. As such, each player's superteam is wholly their own creation. And the Game starts with three main factions, each of which are mechanically slightly different and have individual templates.

The pregen characters are given as examples, but there are setting specific characters that can be added to groups in one shot scenarios as "team-ups" or added to the team as a whole.

And ultimately, Superhuman is meant to be a skirmish level game, so even if you include the minion models that can be added to each side in teams of 5, it is rare that a side would exceed 15 models.

At least, that's the goal.

Thanks for the interest! My goal is to make the superhero game that I have wanted to play since getting into miniature gaming, and over the development of Superhuman that game has become more and more exact and real.

Doctor Mono said...

One other thing I left out: Where Superhuman really shines for me is in a robust campaign model. I have roots in role-playing as well as miniature games so I wanted to have that connection to a group of models that grow and develop as you play with them. So, seeing a group like the Teen Titans eventually grow into the Justice League makes sense to me and so it is what happens in the game. Your supers gain experience for their exploits in game and can grow into great Heroes or Villains or wealthy powerful Mercs or can even succumb to their wounds depending on what happens in the games you play.